Ahhaalik School – Tartu Forseliuse kool

Ahhaalik School

The aim of an Ahhaalik School is to bring more elements of non-formal education into the school environment by applying the principles of modern teaching instruction and thus:

  1. to increase students’ learning motivation;
  2. to improve students’ attitudes towards learning, especially in natural sciences;
  3. to develop students’ creativity, self-regulation, critical thinking and decision-making and research skills;
  4. to improve students’ learning outcomes in natural sciences;
  5. to develop students’ social skills such as communication and teamwork skills;
  6. to increase teachers’ motivation and professionalism.

Key activities include linking learning to everyday life and various subjects (interdisciplinary integration), developing research skills, collaborative learning, hand-to-hand activities, developing general competences and creativity.

This includes a number of practical and organisational steps as well as supporting materials and training. For example:

  1. training courses for teachers (research studies, integration, reflexion, learning strategies, assessment supporting learning, self-regulated learning, etc.);
  2. a cross-class system of elective courses or interest groups;
  3. project learning;
  4. system of lesson observations and feedback;
  5. non-formal learning (e.g. museums, research and nature centres, laboratories);
  6. studies on the impact of changes carried out (monitoring and research);

Igaüks on oluline!